08 Sep 2021 by Dollar Dig
Summer is a wonderfully lazy and relaxing time for many people. A chance to unwind and take a break after a busy year. But it’s September, and the kids are back in school. It’s time for you to get back to work! If you own a business, you likely have a never-ending to-do list. Here […]
25 May 2021 by Dollar Dig
Have you been craving a big, juicy burger on the patio? Summer is nearly here, which means you can fire up the BBQ and get the fixin’s ready for a BBQ burger party! May is National Hamburger Month, so we thought it was time to give you some tips for making better burgers this summer! […]
18 Jan 2021 by Dollar Dig
Three weeks into 2021 and it’s already been quite eventful! The third week of January is also a common time for many of us to give up on our New Year’s Resolutions. Have you? If you’re losing interest, or not seeing enough progress towards your New Year’s resolutions, you don’t need to abandon them completely. […]
28 Dec 2020 by Dollar Dig
The most common New Years’ resolutions are either related to health or productivity and organization. If you’ve got an area (or two) of life you want to organize, then this guide is for you! Just setting a resolution or a goal isn’t enough. If you want to achieve your goals you need to put in […]